509-736-6877 admin@wsbca.org

Sample - Meeting Agenda


(Sample for a School Based Booster Club)

Meeting Date:
Meeting Location:

1. Call to Order

2. Minutes: Review of minutes from mm/dd/yy meeting

3. Officers’ Reports
a. President’s Report
b. Vice President’s Report
c. Treasurer’s Report

4. Committee Reports
a. BB Committee
b. CC Committee
c. DD Committee

5. Athletic Director’s Report

6. Unfinished (old) Business
a. Topic
b. Topic

7. New Business
a. Topic
b. Topic

8. Announcements

9. Adjournment

SPECIAL NOTE: Your Meeting Agenda should serve as a guide for helping to conduct your meeting and as an informational tool for all supporters in attendance. Include as much detail as possible on your Meeting Agenda, so people will know what to expect at the meeting. 

The Washington State Booster Club Association
“Providing Booster Club – Guidance – Education – Training & Support”

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